Remaster Monstie Stats

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This page is for base stats, level up moves, and possible genes for Glavenus, Rajang, Teostra, and Kushala Daora. Please check Kiranico if you're looking for information on any of the other monsties!

...Technically, all of these monsties were actually present in the original version of the game! Glavenus was a DLC monstie (which is why it doesn't have a fight or Monsterpedia entry in the remaster), and Rajang, Teostra, and Kushala Daora were all part of the 1.2 / 1.3 updates that were region-locked to JPN versions of the game.

As a result of this, though, Kiranico doesn't have the base stats for any of these monsters (and is missing a few of their attacks as well.) The stats here will similarly be displayed, which means they'll be recorded for every five levels until level 99.

I don't have access to any datamine stuff, so these stats are all going to be from me manually levelling up monsties in-game. The four monsties I'm using have their egg bonuses recorded, so that I can subtract that amount from their stats every time they level up. I've also removed all genes that affect their HP/ATK/DEF stats in any way, since these add a percentage based boost to their stats instead of a static/flat amount like the egg boosts do, which makes them really annoying to subtract from the monstie's displayed stats when trying to figure out their base stats.

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Glavenus Base Stats (INCOMPLETE)
1 63 33 31
5 91 52 48
10 127 75 69
15 162 97 90
20 198 121 111
25 233 144 132
30 269 167 153
35 304 190 174
40 340 213 195
45 375 236 216
50 411 259 237
55 426 268 246
60 441 278 255
65 456 288 264
70 471 298 273
75 486 307 282
80 - - -
85 - - -
90 - - -
95 - - -
99 - - -

Rajang Base Stats (INCOMPLETE)
1 58 35 24
5 83 56 36
10 115 82 52
15 147 109 67
20 179 135 83
25 211 162 99
30 242 188 114
35 274 214 130
40 306 241 145
45 338 267 161
50 370 294 177
55 383 304 183
60 396 315 190
65 409 326 196
70 423 337 203
75 436 347 209
80 - - -
85 - - -
90 - - -
95 - - -
99 - - -

Teostra Base Stats (INCOMPLETE)
1 68 32 26
5 100 52 40
10 140 77 57
15 179 102 75
20 219 127 92
25 258 152 110
30 298 177 127
35 337 202 144
40 377 227 162
45 416 252 179
50 456 277 197
55 472 287 204
60 489 297 211
65 505 308 218
70 522 318 226
75 - - -
80 - - -
85 - - -
90 - - -
95 - - -
99 - - -

Kushala Daora Base Stats (INCOMPLETE)
1 61 31 27
5 89 50 43
10 124 74 62
15 159 98 81
20 194 121 100
25 229 145 120
30 263 169 139
35 298 192 158
40 333 216 177
45 368 240 196
50 403 264 216
55 417 273 224
60 432 283 232
65 446 293 240
70 461 303 248
75 - - -
80 - - -
85 - - -
90 - - -
95 - - -
99 - - -

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