Other MHS Resources
Other people have done a pretty good job covering certain areas of the game! It'd be useless to cover them all over again, so I'll leave links to everything I think is useful (or just really neat) here.
Kiranico is a huge game database. It doesn't really explain any mechanics, but it's got most of the numbers and locations for everything. Genes, usable skills, enemy HP, ect. Also has egg patterns and all stats for every monstie.
Gene Spreadsheet
This has all genes (minus Teostra/Kushala Daora/Rajang, and all S/M) sorted by element and HtH type. I always have this open when making any builds.
Gene Checklist
Same deal as the last one, but I found this one easier to use when you're trying to check off every gene you've had (for the Kinship Jewel achievement.) It also has a second sheet with a lot of builds on it!
Monstie Builder
Lets you mess around with the gene bingo board! Works really well. Does not contain remaster genes and might not display the stat boost provided by a gene properly.
Created by u/gh4ever on Reddit.
Poogie Guide: (Gamefaqs Version / Google Docs Version)
Contains all Poogie locations, sorted by location. You can search by individual number as well, and the ride abilities needed to reach them are also listed.
Both guides are by Jadebell on Gamefaqs.