Tower of Recollection

The Tower of Recollection allows you to refight High Rank versions of all story bosses, and named bosses from NPC subquests.

It is unlocked immediately after beating the story, and is accessible from the first floor of the Tower of Illusion, on the door to the left of the room.

It (alongside the Tower of Heavens) was added in an update exclusive to Japanese version of MHS, and was included in the remastered version.

Floor Monster(s) Rewards
2F Arzuros Mega Potion (10)
3F Yian Kut-Ku Lifepowder (5)
4F Nargacuga (Blighted) Max Potion (3)
5F Great Barrel Felyne Dust of Life (2)
6F Velocidrome Nulberry Elixir (5)
7F Blue Yian Kut-Ku Vital Essence (3)
8F Zamtrios Ancient Potion
9F Khezu, Bulldrome Ancient Panacea

Room of Return

Floor Monster(s) Rewards
11F Red Khezu Mega Potion (10)
12F Pink Rathian Might Charm
13F Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Adamant Charm
14F Royal Ludroth (2) Lucky Charm
15F Great Barrel Felyne Dust of Life (2)
16F Qurupeco, Rathian (Blighted) Mounting Charm
17F Black Diablos (2) Tracking Charm
18F Cephadrome (2, Blighted) Ancient Potion
19F Diablos (Blighted) Finding Charm

Room of Tranquility

Floor Monster(s) Rewards
21F Aptonoth EX (3) Mega Potion (10)
22F Uroktor EX (3) Torrent Jewel
23F Ruby Basarios (2) Frigid Jewel
24F Tigrex, Shrouded Nerscylla Flaming Jewel
25F Great Barrel Felyne Dust of Life (4)
26F Brute Tigrex (2) Flashing Jewel
27F Aptonoth EX, Barroth EX, Uroktor EX Draconic Jewel
28F Uragaan EX, Powderstone Ancient Potion (2)
29F Agnaktor EX Tenacity Jewel

Room Of Affection

Floor Monster(s) Rewards
31F Yian Garuga, Blighted Max Potion (5)
32F Congalala, Crimson Qurupeco Power Jewel
33F Green Nargacuga, Diablos Speed Jewel
34F Tigrex EX (Blighted) Tech Jewel
35F Great Barrel Felyne (2) Dust of Life (4)
36F Purple Gypceros, Basarios Fortuitous Charm
37F Azure Rathalos, Agnaktor Training Charm+
38F Lagiacrus (Blighted) Ancient Potion (2)
39F Versa Pietru Dragon Aura Jewel

Room of Resolution

Floor Monster(s) Rewards
41F Black Gravios, Ash Kecha Wacha Max Potion (5)
42F Rathalos, Yian Garuga Evasion Jewel
43F Glacial Agnaktor, Jade Barroth Defense Jewel
44F Ivory Lagiacrus, Sand Barioth Attack Jewel
45F Great Barrel Felyne (3) Dust of Life (4)
46F Rajang (2) Fire Scale Jewel
47F Stygian Zinogre (Blighted), Great Dracophage Bug (2) Water Scale Jewel
48F Brachydios (Blighted) Ice Scale Jewel
49F Deviljho (Blighted), Stygian Zinogre (Blighted), Great Dracophage Bug (2) Ancient Potion
50F Makili Pietru Universal Stim (2)